Oct 17, 2016

e-book Covers

These are the original concept covers for the series.
I always liked them and thought it would be fun to give them
a turn gracing the e-books.


                                                  AMAZON                                                                 AMAZON
                                                    iTUNES                                                                    iTUNES
                                             BARNES & NOBLE                                               BARNES & NOBLE



Sep 9, 2016

The White Belt Society

In honor of Maine Day at the Big E, September 17, 2016, 
will be released at the 
State of Maine Building on States Avenue
 at The Big E in Springfield Massachusetts.

story by

illustrations by

Set on the coast of Maine, The White Belt Society is the fifth 
collaboration of Pendleton and Block.  

Children's. North Country Press.  

In honor of Maine Day at the Big E, September 17, 2016, 
will be released at the 
State of Maine Building on States Avenue
 at The Big E in Springfield Massachusetts.

Maine Day festivities include performances by 
Amanda Landry,  Denny Breau, and the Gym Dandies Children’s Circus.  
The day culminates with the parade featuring Maine’s Commodity Queens and Princesses, Maine Day Enhancement Floats, L.L. Bean Bootmobile, Gym Dandies Children’s Circus, and Maine 4-H members! 

 We're delighted to join the festivities for Maine Day on the 100th Anniversary of The Big E!

#maineday #thebige  #thebige100  #ese